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Strong in Pregnancy, Strong for Motherhood

Jennifer Marshall

Mother holding baby
Strong for motherhood

It’s never too soon to start building your strength for the continuous physical challenge that is motherhood. Think strong in pregnancy, strong for motherhood!

  • Carrying a baby (in your arms, a carrier, car seat etc).

  • Lifting your baby (from their crib / cot, car seat, floor, bath, bouncer etc).

  • Buggies are heavy as are car seats and other baby related paraphernalia!

  • Constant bending down to pick up/ tidy up toys and other stuff.

  • Babies may start off small and lightweight but before you know it you’ve got a 15kg toddler hanging off your hip!

Exercise during pregnancy is a great time to get into new habits; even if you weren’t active before pregnancy, you can start gradually and modify your movement as you progress through your journey. If your body is strong, you’re less likely to experience pain or an injury and you’ll feel good for it both physically and mentally.

By doing the groundwork during your pregnancy it will also help you during birth, your recovery and return to exercise.

If you’re looking to stay strong and fit during pregnancy or regain your strength and fitness postpartum feel free to reach out with any questions, I’d love to help you with a simple, yet effective structured exercise routine tailored to you and one you can easily manage yourself in the future.

For more information regarding exercise in pregnancy, check out these posts:

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