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Functional Strength Fitness

  • Helping you feel stronger, fitter and more confident for the physical challenges of daily life.​​​


  • Pregnancy & Postnatal exercise specialist. Helping build your strength for birth, motherhood and beyond.​​


  • Older Adults exercise specialist. Helping you to feel stronger and maintain functional independence. â€‹â€‹


  • Personal training as 121s, Duos and Groups.


  • Giving you the tools and confidence to manage your own fitness journey in the future.


  • Check out the latest physical activity guidelines (brilliant infographics) for adults & older adultspregnant and postnatal women as set out by the UK Chief Medical Officer.

Home: Welcome

Prenatal & Postnatal

Exercise Specialist

Mum and baby fitness classes Epsom
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Perhaps one of the most exciting and life changing milestones is pregnancy and having a child. Motherhood is a marathon and it's never too early to reap the benefits of feeling strong - those buggies, prams, car seats are heavy and our cute little babies quickly become big toddlers often attached to our hips!

Older Adults

Exercise Specialist

Older Adult and Baby
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I have a passion for helping older adults feel strong and equipped for the demands of daily life. Activities and exercises which improve or maintain muscle strength, balance and flexibility can deliver a multitude of benefits including maintaining physical function, increasing confidence and reducing the risk of falls. 

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